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How do I cancel my order?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

Is there any limit on the cart value for me to order as COD?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

Can I place as many orders as I wish by way of COD?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

Which products are eligible for Cash on Delivery?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

Is there any extra charge to be incurred due to Cash on Delivery?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

How do I cancel my order if I have ordered through Cash on delivery?

Hi! To cancel your order, please go to our website app and login with your registered email id/contact number (that was used to place the order). Then go to account/profile section and check your active orders. You'd have an active cancel button against the eligible orders. Click that and confirm your cancellation request. Please note that once the order has been processed from our side, it cannot be canceled, however if you do not want the product, you can refuse to accept the delivery.

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